Featured method of the first year:
CVD Gas and Precursor Delivery for 2D thin film deposition

Featured success of the first year:
Highest resolution display with
pixels approaching 50 nm
Featured equipment of the first year:
Woollam RC2 spectroscopic ellipsometer
Research Themes
Overall Aim
To accelerate the development of wearable and flexible technologies by integrating device components using advanced functional materials along with scalable, cost-effective and reliable manufacturing techniques.
Flexible and Functional Components:
Flexible Displays
Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting
Organic Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting
Design for Manufacturing
Scale-up via Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing

1. To develop scalable roll-to-roll technologies suitable for cost-effective deposition of functional phase-change, photovoltaic, organic sensor and thermoelectric materials.
2. To minimize waste in the deposition of thin-films in case of expensive or environmentally sensitive elements used in functional materials.
3. To develop new approaches for effective in-situ monitoring of key film parameters, in particular film thickness, to guarantee designed-for functional material properties at the manufacturing stage.
Featured method of the second year:
Modelling to optimise devices
Featured equipment of the second year:
Probe station to measure both electrical and optical characteristics of devices
Featured success of the second year:
Interdigitated electrode gas sensor

May 2015 - April 2020