WAFT Kick-off Meeting 7 October 2015
WAFT Annual Meeting
WAFT Industrial Advisory Board Meeting
8 October 2015
WAFT Industrial Advisory Board Meeting
21 October 2016

WAFT Scientific Annual Meeting No.2 20 October 2016
The annual WAFT Collaboration meeting was held at Somerville College in Oxford with 55 attendees. Scientific achievements and leading edge reseach issues were highlighted in the two-day meeting. Early-career researchers at the various laboratories that are part of the consortium provided research snapshots about additive nanomanufacturing, sensors and modelling. Research reviews focused on wearable and flexible technologies and 2D materials growth. Two industrial partners: Bodle Technologies Ltd and dstl provided insights into their capabilities, research interests and WAFT related collaborations.
WAFT Industrial Advisory Board Meeting
21 October 2016
As part of the annual meeting, an in-person Industrial Advisory Board Meeting was also held in the Margaret Thatcher Centre at Somerville. The IAB made recommendations for the rest of the WAFT program, but in general very positively assessed the initial two years of the collaboration, particularly commending the way in which the collaboration handled new evidence and areas of reserach by repositioning resources creatively.
The IAB re-elected Matthew Brookes from dstl to another yearly term as Chairperson of the IAB. Prof Bhaskaran looks forward to another fruitful year of collaborations.
WAFT Conference
21 August 2019
WAFT Annual Collaboration Meeting
6 February 2019
Download presentation here

Collaborators get together to share cutting edge research and ideas!